Friday, July 5, 2013

Don't Lose Those Important Old Notes - Revive Your Notebook!

We know for sure that papers are degradable. With the rising popularity of tablets and such, we have so many options to store and keep our valuable notes. But there are some things that we just love to write down with an ink and a piece of paper. I don't know about you but, I love the smell of paper. If you've read my first post, you'd know that I love to read & write. Maybe that contributed to my secret love for paper? Tehehe. Its aroma brings me delight. Is that weird? :)) Especially if the sheets have turned yellow and it's been stocked up for ages. The texture and aroma just bring back memories so nostalgic! You don’t get that kind of feeling in a tablet or a computer, or if there’s any, then it’s not that strong.

One day I was out to buy myself a new notebook as the one I have is already full. I write down there my devotions and reflections. I was thinking of a way to preserve my old one as its already battered. I saw a notebook of my niece that was ‘sewn’ together. I remembered that I was doing the same thing when I was in elementary.

Today, I will show you how to ‘sew’ your spring notebooks. Yes basically, that’s what we will do. Some of you might have done this already.

So…let’s start!

The one on the left is my old one. I really love the messages so even if there are others of higher quality, I still prefer this one. ♥

This is one of the disadvantages of spring notebooks. 
See the edges? It's not neat at all :(

Crochet thread / yarn

I originally planned to use yarn but I didn't like the texture so I used crochet thread instead. I used a mix of two colors to form an 'X' pattern.

Fold the wire in half.  
Create a 'needle eye'. 
Don't overlap the wires. 
Be careful not to make the eye so big so that it would fit in the hole. 
I'm using wire here instead of needle to avoid accidents. Hehe!

Measure the thread - 5x as long as your notebook. Have some allowance just to be on the safe side. Before you start sewing, smooth out the edges of the notebook first to make it neat & clean.
Start sewing at the bottom. 
Tie the thread once just as shown in the third pic.
Important: Do not take out the spring all at once! 
Otherwise you'll have difficulty keeping the sheets in tact.

 As you've noticed, there's a gap in between holes. 
Just continue sewing alternately, until you reach the top. 
Keep the thread firm.
Tie the pink thread once. 
Start on the blue thread from the top.
Tie it once on the side part of the notebook as shown in the second pic.

 Fill in the gaps you have made earlier so it would create a pattern.
Continue until you reach the bottom.
Keep the thread firm.

When you're done, divide the threads into three parts.
Then begin to braid them.
Do the same thing on the other.


 Isn't it pretty? Kawaii!


It made my notebook more neat and firm and colorful too!
Try it with your favorite colors!

Thanks for reading! ♥♥♥


  1. Nice blog. And this is really cute idea how to makemy favorite notebook nicer :)
